
Highbridge Voices makes a difference in the lives of the children of the Highbridge Community.

Recent Academic Achievements
• In 2013, the juniors and seniors out-performed their high school peers on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) by scoring an average of 9%. More significantly, our two seniors scored 31.5% higher than their peers.
• Alize Torres, class of 2013, received a full scholarship to Fordham University
• Thirty-four students have graduated from Highbridge Voices since 2006 and of these, 80% went on to a two or four year college and 6% have enlisted for military service.
Recent Music Achievements
• Two members of the choir sang in the NY-American Choral Directors Association Middle School Honors Choir in Albany, with 98 other middle school students from across the state.
• In a recent adjudicated festival in Orlando, Florida, the Chamber Choir and Women’s Ensemble scored “Superior” in their respective categories. This is the highest possible rating for a choir at this festival.
Click here to see our 2013 annual report.