On a balmy Saturday, March 12th, three special guests were welcomed to Highbridge Voices to make a unique Panel taking us, metaphorically, on a riverboat trip up the ole Miss. Each port stop- an important woman in music. Guiding us through this rich history were Dr. Farah Jasmine Griffin, professor of English and comparative literature and American Studies at Columbia University, author of major books about women in American culture; Dr. Courtney Bryan, Director of the Institute of Sacred Music at Bethany Baptist Church of Newark, New Jersey, and a new exciting new pianist; and internationally renowned vocalist Fay Victor, recording artists of eight critically recordings. And to top this wonderful adventure off were the inspiring performances of Concert and Chamber Choir Highbridge Voices! It’s not every day our youth get an opportunity to learn about music of a cultural identity other than the one thrusts upon them from mass-media, commercial places. Such rare enlightening events are so vital to the youth considering the education and economic challenges of their families in the community where there is no house of music like Highbridge Voices anywhere within earshot of the city.